The 7 Best ChatGPT Plugins of 2023

After the launch of GPT-4, OpenAI introduced the plugin feature for ChatGPT, allowing users to integrate third-party plugins with ChatGPT. This significantly expanded ChatGPT’s capabilities beyond just being an AI chatbot. While currently, only the paid version of ChatGPT, ChatGPT Plus, offers access to ChatGPT plugins and networking features, there are already hundreds of plugins available in the ChatGPT plugin store. While this number may seem impressive, it’s important to note that there are many subpar plugins among them. Therefore, this article will highlight several plugins that I found highly recommendable after testing.


Speak is a plugin primarily designed for language learning. Unlike Google Translate or native ChatGPT 3.5, Speak not only translates text sentences but also provides alternative options that are more suitable in different contexts, along with detailed explanations of the differences. Here’s an example of how I asked Speak to teach me how to order food in Chinese in Taiwan:

As seen in the example above, in addition to common phrases, Speak also provides more authentic alternatives and describes the differences quite accurately, along with important notes. Benefiting from the integration with ChatGPT, Speak even used traditional Taiwanese snacks as an example in the given scenario, making the learning process more relatable compared to typical, rigid sentences.


Tutory is a highly professional teaching assistant plugin. It can efficiently design unique learning paths tailored to individuals with different backgrounds and for various subjects. Here’s an example of how I asked Tutory to design a course for someone with only one year of frontend development experience to learn DevOps within six months:

As demonstrated in the example, it provides you with a tailored curriculum based on your proficiency level. Of course, you can also interact with ChatGPT to reinforce certain concepts or even skip topics you’re already familiar with. It assesses your knowledge of each section through interactions to ensure your understanding. It operates much like a personalized private tutor customized just for you!


Wolfram is a powerful plugin specifically designed to solve advanced mathematical and statistical problems and visualize data. Here’s an example of how I used Wolfram to calculate the monthly mortgage payment for buying a house under different financing conditions and presented the results in a chart:


AskYourPDF is a plugin for analyzing document files. In addition to PDFs, we can use it to quickly summarize and analyze files. It currently supports file types such as PDF, TXT, PPT, PPTX, EPUB, and RTF. Here’s an example of how I asked it to summarize and find information on how to clean my Breville Barista Express coffee machine from the official manual:

Video Insight

Video Insight is a plugin that can analyze and summarize videos for you. Just provide it with the link to a video, and Video Insight can automatically extract information such as the video title, description, timestamps, etc., and quickly summarize the video content. It’s important to note that this plugin currently may not handle very long video content but doesn’t have a specific duration limit. Based on my testing, most videos ranging from 10 to 20 minutes are analyzed without any issues. Here’s an example of how I used Video Insight to analyze a YouTube video:

Diagrams: Show Me

Diagrams: Show Me is a plugin used for drawing flowcharts and can make modifications to the flowchart based on commands. Here’s an example of how I asked Diagrams: Show Me to help me design a Message system based on AWS architecture:


WebPilot is, in my experience, the most powerful plugin for achieving real-time searches. To be honest, WebPilot alone can easily replace most of the plugins available in the store. Furthermore, compared to ChatGPT’s native web search capabilities, WebPilot offers superior search speed and accuracy. When combined with other plugins, it can significantly enhance your overall user experience.

Advanced Tip: Combining Plugins

It’s worth mentioning that these ChatGPT plugins can be used in combination. By selecting the right plugins, you can complement their functionalities and further boost your ChatGPT productivity. Here’s an example where I asked WebPilot to search for the total population of Taiwan from 2000 to 2023 and then used Wolfram to create a bar chart as a demonstration:

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